New role!
I have a new role! I’ve taken on the new position of Deputy Executive Director for Creative Island, the Island’s development agency for culture (Arts Council Englang NPO 2023-26 supported). Still maintaining, managing, curating and programming the IW Creative Network – it is now under Creative Island’s umbrella along with the IW Cultural Education Partnership (CEP).
The IW CEP has been the backbone to Creative Island’s development within the sector – creating life-enhancing programmes for young people, such as ‘Lift the Lid on Island Culture’ 2018-20, ‘The Creative Biosphere’ 2021 (which I co-wrote and designed) as well as ‘Supporting Young Minds’ 2022-23. The structure of this partnership is incredibly important and ensures that young people’s creative aspirations and access to cultural opportunities are front and center of Creative Island’s aims and ambitions.
Creative Island (formally the Island Collection) is responsible for supporting the cultural and heritage sector on the IW and upholding the newly adopted IW Cultural Strategy. This work undergone its R&D phase in 2021/22 by Creative Island and now that it has passed through IWC cabinet, it will become a public document available to download via the Creative Island website. Containing an action plan, it is a blueprint and framework which any cultural organisation, community group or individual can absorb and attach projects. There is key data highlighting a severe need for more cultural activity, skills building and opportunities for young people.
The final strand of Creative Island’s current NPO activity is the IW Creative Network – supporting and developing the Island’s creative and cultural workforce. I independently built this programme in 2021 after a year of R&D, visiting other networks and programmes in England, and surveying and consulting with artists and creatives on the IW to find out what they feel they needed to help sustain their creative practice.
Ambition is key and the development of the IW Creative Network will forge new relationships to ensure KPI’s are met as well as our outputs with our Arts Council England NPO agreement. Creative Island has strong role to play in ensuing that these key strands come together to form a cohesive offer for the Island as a leading development agency for culture.
To find out more about Creative Island, please visit: