2021-22 – Creative Island Capacity Development & Cultural Strategy
With support from the IW Council (IWC), I successfully wrote an ACE Project Grant on behalf of Creative Island (formally known as The Island Collection) to build capacity with the organisation and to R&D an IW Cultural Strategy. Since the IWC published its Regeneration Strategy (2019-30), there has been a strong appetite to embed more cultural activities within its Corporate Plan. Implementing a Cultural Strategy aimed to strengthen the Island’s cultural sector at a pivotal point, ensuring cultural organisations form stronger relationships and a collective vision is recognised.
Without the infrastructure within the local authority to develop a Cultural Strategy for the IW, I conducted a SWOT / TOWS analysis, of current IW cultural organisations to allow for a better understanding of the current needs of IW cultural organisations. Creative Island showed great ambition and capability to take on this important work with the appointment of their first Executive Director.